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Booleans Crowdfunding Platform
To showcase our skills, Boolean Solutions presents a feature-rich basic crowdfunding platform that can help you create charity and startup investment projects and also has an admin module to manage users and projects. Our aim is to to demonstrate our capabilities with some of the most common features asked by our clients.
Please note that the platform do not represent our total skill-sets and is not a production ready application. Out purpose is just to demonstrate different ideas and features that can prove useful to our clients.
Some of the features used in the crowdfunding platform are:
- Charity and investment projects
- Payments using Stripe API
- Invoice PDF Generator
- Basic Level Caching
- Image Uploads to S3
- Admin Panel for user and project verification
- User verification process for legal documents
- Trending projects
- User Signup and Public View
- Exception Notifications
- Emails using Sendgrid
You can access the demo application HERE
Admin panel can be accessed HERE
Contact us below for more info and complete demonstration of the features